They don’t work against special moves, however, so keep that in mind. The timing on these isn’t nearly as strict as say, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and unlike Combo Breakers, you’re free to parry all you want. If you can manage to properly time it to an opponent’s attack, you’ll knock them off balance for a chance to counterattack. There’s also a new ‘parry’ move, done by hitting back and the block button together. And with a new Konquest mode comes a new character to join all the returning cast, and this time around, he comes with his own evil counterpart!

Even the characters who were previously dead have returned for pretty much no reason, just so they can make another appearance and end up dying again. You can even be Motaro, if you don’t mind the fact he’s lost two of his legs. Every character who’s been playable in the fighting games so far is back here, which means that there’s an insane 64 total playable characters. Just like Trilogy before it, Armageddon is another “Dream Match” style game. As you can imagine by the title, a whole lot of people are going to die, and this time around, not everybody is going to come back. It’s Blaze, given power by the Elder Gods to kill off as many kombatants as possible to prevent the end of the universe. And so, the Elder Gods cause a huge pyramid to rise out of the ground, with all the fighters running toward it to see what’s at the top. Not only that, but the fact that the warriors of light and darkness are having a huge, all-out war isn’t helping with that at all. The kombatants have gotten so powerful and so numerous that their fights are slowly beginning to wear out the fabric of reality, which you would sort of expect to happen when you have fighters who can decapitate people with one punch. Obviously, that didn’t turn out to be the case, but if it were, it’d be a pretty awful thing to end such a long running series on. While neither of these ended up happening, this does feel like sort of a big farewell to the series. Some people, in fact, took this as the news this would be the final Mortal Kombat entirely. What they promised was that this would be the final game with the MK kombatants as we knew them, and the next game would start off with an entirely brand new cast. Before Midway moved on, however, they made one final game for the PS2 and Xbox generation. As new systems like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 appeared on the horizon, developers were slowly starting to move away from the systems of the current generation and onto the next.